Trailer Park: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Verdict: I would buy my ticket today if I could!

Director: James Gunn
Screenwriters: James Gunn & Nicole Perlman
Main Cast: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel, David Bautista, Lee Pace, Karen Gillan, Benicio Del Toro, John C. Reilly

Wow-zers that was a great trailer, now one month off its release I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited for a marvel film. Was I excited for Captain America: The Winter Soldier? yes, but Guardians of the Galaxy is new territory for Marvel which makes it all that more intriguing. A lot of people have been saying it’s their riskiest film yet and I’d agree but I still think it’s going to make the big bucks. Not only because Marvel films have been killing it ever since The Avengers but because the marketing for this film has been incredibly smart. What makes this film risky is that no one is familiar with the characters, it’s Marvels first property since 2011 that isn’t a sequal. In terms of trailers they’ve done the smart thing in building up from telling us who the characters are to giving us an insight of the plot and the world that they live in.

The first trailer shows the Guardians lined up in a prison booking room where we are introduced to each of them and given background information about who they are. In a way it’s as if they’re previewing the roster just like a football match, and the ultimate effect is to arouse excitement. With this trailer we’re already going in having established who the characters are and what tone the film will take, and we leave with a better understanding of why they exist, the world they’re attempting to save and the villains they will come across, and it’s absolutely awesome. The set and costume design looks incredible, the CGI looks top notch and the characters look badass. In terms of tone it’s not something we’re unfamiliar with, and I get the feeling that we’ll be getting a film with a perfect balance of comedy and action as opposed to Thor: The Dark World which was inconsistent. Originally I was afraid of this approach as it could grow tiresome having seen it before in previous Marvel films. But having James Gunn involved, director of films like Super and Slither, it gives me a lot of hope for this film, as he obviously knows how to balance out the dark with the light, but more importantly he seems to know how to make a fun film. Having Chris Pratt as our lead is also a reason to feel positive about Guardians as he is killing it at the moment and as a fan of Parks and Recreation I couldn’t be happier for him. Overall we could be in for a great popcorn flick to come off a more politically thrilling Captain America film. On the other hand this could be a film that we’ve seen before and may be the first of the Marvel properties to not completely win the hearts of the public.

Trailer Park: Lucy (2014)

Verdict: Buying a ticket!

Director: Luc Besson
Screenwriter: Luc Besson
Main Cast: Scarlett Johansson, Min-Sik Choi, Morgan Freeman

Coming to screens soon is Luc Besson’s Lucy, probably one of the most exciting films he has been involved with in awhile. Besson of course coming off a bad year with The Family, would like to come back with a success. It’s about time we get a film with a little something different, of course with the surge of superhero movies over the past few years this may become a big hit as Scarjo AKA Black Widow is boasting some badass brain super powers. It’s about time Scarlett Johansson started pursuing action films as we’ve seen her reprise her role as Black Widow three times now brilliantly, and Lucy looks like the perfect film to legitimately cement her as an action star. The trailer doesn’t really reveal anything unique in its premise, as it simply seems like a revenge flick, but when do revenge flicks ever get boring; I mean we have Oldboy’s Min-Sik Choi cast as the bad guy, who is known for having a particular set of skills with a hammer. What makes this film intriguing though is the drug and its effects on Scarlett Johansson’s character, it obviously increases brain power significantly as Morgan Freeman explains, but the abilities that Johansson develops influences a whole bag of baddassary. Ultimately we know to expect some great visuals and action sequences, but in terms of story we’re not really given much to know confidently what direction Lucy’s journey for justice will take her.

X-Men: Days of Future Past (Trailer + Discussion)

I recently re-watched all the X-Men films and I couldn’t help but notice that there’s a shiz load of continuity problems. As I moved on to the next movie you find more and more confusing errors that kinda ruin the franchise a bit. For example we see Emma Frost in X-Men: First Class (60’s) and in Wolverine: X-Men Origins (Decades after First Class) which are set at different times yet the character is younger in Wolverine: X-Men Origins. Another confusing error would be how we see Charles Xavier walk during a flashback in X-Men: The Last Stand but then we see him get shot in the spine and him being paralyzed in First Class. Of course a common reasoning behind all these problems is that it happened in the comics where characters would lose and regain abilities or whatever, but I can’t help but think they kinda screwed up a bit too much here.

There’s no doubt that First Class was a pretty awesome film, it raised the bar to a whole new level for X-Men films. So why not just say it was a total reboot of the franchise. Some people might say it is but the opening sequence is from the very first X-Men film so I think it was definitely intended to be connected with the past three films. It’s not a bad idea but they screwed up already in X2 when we see a glimpse of Hank McCoy (AKA Beast) as a human then in The Last Stand he’s back to being a blue furry monster. It’s just confusing, you can’t get away with it in movies like you can in comics because people like to complain for the sake of complaining.

To be honest it’s not a huge problem for me because I quite liked X-Men and X2 and it’s quite easy to just accept that what went down in the previous trilogy has lead to Days of Future Past; which looks amazing from the trailer. I saw The Wolverine once it came out but went in completely unaware that it was also connected with the X-Men story line. So as you can imagine once the after credits scene started playing I literally jizzed in my pants. Like wow, probably the best after credits scene ever.

Anyways the trailer is pretty awesome, it looks like we’re going to see an intensely cynical young Charles Xavier who doesn’t look in the best of shapes. I’m not aware much of the story or comics but I do know Wolverine is going to be sent back in time to help prevent a war which will happen in the near future probably related to Bolivar Trask and the Sentinels (sorry, probably a “no shit” comment to comic book fans). So it’s going to be pretty awesome seeing the past and future Xavier’s and Magneto’s in one film as well as past characters like Storm, Iceman, Rogue, etc. It’s going to be huge in terms of characters since we have even newer mutants joining the cast. What I’m hoping for is an even more intense Wolverine, I totally respect Hugh Jackman’s crazy commitment and love for this character. He hasn’t stopped working to improve this character since the very first X-Men, which is why The Wolverine was so satisfying because we  see some of that savagery we’ve not seen before. Days of Future Past better be a thrilling ride.

Iron Man 3 (Trailer)

The earliest comic film to come this next year is Iron Man 3, probably one of the most anticipated films of 2013 after the massive success of The Avengers. I just fear that the bar will be so high that the next Marvel films wont be able to satisfy all of our expectations. What I thought they did smart prior to The Avengers movie was that the films leading up to it were all good but not amazing, I think that was deliberate because they literally went all out on The Avengers and it paid off.

Regardless I think I will enjoy this movie as long as we get to see some new Stark ingenuity and some new Iron Man related fire power. From the trailer we get to see a load of explosions and some large scale action, which is exactly what we need from this Iron Man film. The first of the series was good but there was hardly any action, the second one had a bit more action and I think this third one could do with a lot more. It looks a lot darker than its predecessors so perhaps Tony Stark’s drinking problems will start to come out or maybe a more brutal, no nonsense Tony Stark emerges since it looks like Pepper Potts gets kidnapped. The cast is pretty amazing, not sure what roll Guy Pearce will play since I haven’t read up on Marvel characters lately, but he’s awesome so nothing less than greatness will be seen from him. Of course Ben Kingsley plays The Mandarin, I think he looks the part and his accent sounds very menacing. Looking forward to this!!!

Man of Steel (Trailer)

Literally jizzing my pants to see this movie, since the sudden surge of comic book films, I’ve been totally hooked. Literally been researching every characters back stories, seeing if there’s possibilities for films or if they can be in future Avengers films. No wonder comic book crazies are so into this stuff, the speculation is the funnest part of the comic book experience.

Anyways for some reason a lot of people hate Zack Snyder, and I don’t get why, I mean he brought us freaking 300, with the most epic quote ever “This is SPARTA”. One thing he does bring to a film, is heaps of style and along with it comes a unique tone. I’ve seen three of his five films, and the have all been pretty good, 300 is just fuckin’ epic, Dawn of the Dead is one of the best zombie flicks I’ve seen and Suckr Punch was… interesting, not bad, but a bit too unusual for me, but then again it’s a bunch of girls half naked playing with guns, I wasn’t exactly complaining for 1 and a half hours.

So one thing is for sure, and that is we are going to get a scarily dark, gritty and realistic version of Superman. I totally love these type of films, I just love a dark and gritty film when done right, and in this case, it seems fitting, since it is quite a dark origin story, and his superpowers would be a burden in the real world. One thing I am excited about with this trailer is the CGI and effects, they look pretty amazing and I think we’re in for some large scale explosions to go with the drama. Gonna be sick.